The Archives Office is responsible for the archive records and documentary materials in paper format as well as for the electronic archives consisting of scanned (archived) documents produced in the course of SBRA's business, including those originating before the establishment of the SBRA.
The SBRA’s Archives Office keeps archival and documentary materials taken over from the commercial courts consisting of:
- registration files of business entities, with registration sheets containing registered company data, recorded in the commercial courts’ registers,
- collections of documents of business entities, containing submissions on the basis of which registration files were formed (decisions, OP forms, balance sheets, contracts, etc.),
- documentation generated in the registration procedures carried out in the registers,
- financial statements of business entities and other legal entities required to submit these to the SBRA in electronic format.
The SBRA’s documentation is kept in accordance with the time periods for record-keeping established in the List of categories of archival and documentary materials with time periods for record-keeping of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, and is disposed of in accordance with regulations following the expiry thereof.
Legal acts on the basis of which the SBRA keeps its archives:
- Law on Archival Material and Archival Activities (RS Official Gazette No 6/20),
- Law on the procedure of registration with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette No 99/11, 83/14, 31/19 and 105/21),
- Law on electronic document, electronic identification and trust services in electronic commerce (RS Official Gazette No 94/17),
- Instructions on the procedure of selecting archive records, separating worthless registry materials and handing over archive records (RS Official Gazette No 47/81),
- Rulebook on office and archive management of the Serbian Business Registers Agency,
- Rulebook on more specific measures for the protection of archival material (RS Official Gazette No 29/21),
- List of categories of documentary materials of the Serbian Business Registers Agency with time periods for record-keeping, No 10-9-431/23 оf 27/04/2023,
- List of categories of documentary materials of the Serbian Business Registers Agency with time periods for record-keeping, No 10-9-62/22 оf 18/02/2022.