Pursuant to the Public Procurement Law (RS Official Gazette, No. 91/2019 and 92/2023), the running of the Register of Bidders is entrusted to the Serbian Business Registers Agency, which was established by the Law on the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette, Nos. 55/2004, 111/2009 and 99/2011).

The Register began operating on 1 September 2013.

The Register of Bidders is a unique, central, electronic and public repository of data on eligible bidders, i.e. sole traders (entrepreneurs) and legal entities that fulfill the mandatory requirements for participating in a public procurement procedure stipulated under Art. 75, para. 1, item 1) to 4) of the Law on Public Procurement. This means that entrepreneurs or domestic companies are eligible for registration only if they are able to submit supporting documents proving that:

  • they are registered with the competent authority, i.e. with the appropriate register;
  • they and their authorized representatives have never been convicted as members of an organized crime group, for economic crimes, for environmental crimes, for bribery or for fraud;
  • they do not have an injunction barring them from carrying on a business;
  • that they have settled all outstanding taxes, contributions and other public charges, in line with the laws of the Republic of Serbia or of another foreign state when their registered office is on the territory of that state.

When submitting its bid, a registered bidder is not required to prove compliance with the mandatory requirements for participating in a public procurement procedure stipulated under Art. 75, para. 1. item 1) to 4) of the Public Procurement Law.

The following data on the bidder are registered with the Register:

  • company code/registration number;
  • tax identification number;
  • business/registered name and address;
  • personal name and Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN), or passport number and country of issue for the authorized representative if the latter is a natural person; business name and company code of the authorized representative if the authorized representative is a legal entity.

Bidder registration, data change, strike-off and annotations relevant for legal transactions, along with the respective dates of registration, change and strike-off, are all subject to registration with the Register. The Register also keeps documents submitted in support of the registration.