The Register of Tourism started its activities on 1 January 2010, pursuant to the provision of Article 137 of the Law on Tourism (RS Official Gazette, No. 36/2009, 88/2010, 99/2011 - as amended, 93/2012, 84/2015).
This Register, as an integrated, electronic, centralized, public repository of data on registered and/or recorded entities carrying out tourism sector activities significantly contributes to the monitoring, analysis and development of tourism, to the manifold benefits of all stakeholders in this sector of the economy, such as:
- domestic and foreign natural entities as users of tourism services,
- private sector companies as tourism service providers, and
- public sector, as the creator of Serbia’s tourism policy and strategy.
Relevant regulations:
- Law on tourism (RS Official Gazette, No. 17/2019),
- Law on hospitality services (RS Official Gazette, No. 17/2019),
- Law on the Procedure of Registration with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette, No. 99/2011, 83/2014, 31/2019 and 105/2021),
- Decision on Fees for Registration and other Services Provided by the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette, No. 131/2022 and 107/24 - adjusted RSD amounts).
The Register of Tourism registers:
- tourist agencies - tourist travel organizers,
- tourist agencies – intermediaries in the sale of organized tourist.
The Register of Tourism keeps records of:
- managers of tourism regions,
- tourist destinations,
- destination management organization,
- destination management company,
- professional congress organizer,
- tourist organizations,
- hospitality service providers,
- categorized and non-categorized hospitality facilities,
- persons providing hospitality services in private homes,
- persons providing hospitality services in the rural tourist households,
- providers of nautical tourism services,
- categorized and non-categorized facilities of nautical tourism,
- providers of hunting tourism services,
- categorized and non-categorized hunting tourism establishments,
- tourist guides,
- local tourist guides,
- tourist attendants,
- tourist entertainers,
- companies providing rental of passenger cars without drivers (rent-a-car).
The Register shall register and record all changes and deletion of the data contained in the registry.