Deposition of Documents

If there is a need for the same document to be used in several registration procedures, interested parties may apply to the Financial Leasing Register and request the deposition of documents. These may be powers of attorney, general terms and conditions of a financial leasing contract, excerpts from the competent registers - for legal entities not registred with the Serbian Business Registers Agency, as well as other documents. All written submissions must be originals, certified excerpts or copies certified by the competent authority.

Deposited powers of attorney shall be valid until the expiry of the deadline set forth by the grantor to restrict the proxy’s powers, i.e. until revocation or cancelation thereof, pursuant to the law.

General terms and conditions of a financial leasing contract are deposited at the request of the leasing company, to avoid the need for their submission with individual registration applications and shall be valid for a period determined by the lessor.

Excerpts issued by the authorities competent for registration of legal entities (registers, courts, and similar), both foreign and domestic ones, the registration of which falls outside the competence of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, and other appropriate documents validating with certainty the information on the party to a financial leasing operation - the leassor and other parties (the supplier of the leased object and the user of the leased object) shall be considered legally valid by the Finacial Leasing Register upon their deposition for a period of one year from the date of issuance thereof because of possible status and other changes which are of relevance for the registration procedure.

Foreign public documents must be legalized pursuant to the Law on Legalization of Documents in International Transactions (Official Gazette of the SFRY, No. 6/73 and Official Gazette of the SM, No. 1/03-Constitutional Charter), unless the country of issuance of the document is a signatory of the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (Official Gazette of the SFRY-Supplement, International Treaties and other Agreements, No. 10/1962) or a signatory of a bilateral treaty with the Republic of Serbia on mutual recognition of public documents without the need for legalization.

“Full legalization” is required if the country in whose territory the public document has been issued is not a party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents and it has not concluded with our country a bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of public documents without legalization. If the country of issuance is a party to the Hague Convention, the foreign public document must have the proper “Apostille” affixed to it. Where the Republic of Serbia has a ratified bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of public documents without legalization with the country in whose territory the subject public document has been issued, neither legalization nor the “Apostille” stamp is required.

More detailed information on the parties to the Hague Convention and countries with which the Republic of Serbia has ratified bilateral agreements on mutual abolishment of the requirement for the legalization of public documents is available here.

A document made in a foreign language shall be accompanied by a translation thereof, which must be made by a court-appointed interpreter.

Note: No fee is charged for the deposition of documents.