Data delivery at no charge to state bodies and organizations, provincial bodies and local government units

The Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) makes registered and recorded data available at no charge to a determined group of users on the basis of Article 5a, para. 3 and 4 of the Law on the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette No. 55/2004, 111/2009 and 99/2011) and the Decision on the type, volume and mode of delivery of data and documents made available free of charge to state bodies and organizations, provincial bodies and local government units.

The following are the users to whom the registered and recorded data and documents are made available at no charge:

  • State bodies and organizations
  • Bodies of the autonomous provinces
  • Local government units

In addition, the SBRA may also deliver data at no charge to international organizations with whom Serbia cooperates based on membership, reciprocity or treaties.

Data and documents are provided to these users free of charge for the purposes of performing tasks within their competence, and the relations between the user and the Agency in connection with the delivery, use and protection of such data and documents can be regulated by a special agreement or protocol concluded between the user and the Agency or by another document on the basis of which the user has the right to access the Agency's data.

If the delivery of data and documents is requested on the basis of an individual user request, and not under a special agreement or protocol, then the user is obliged to submit an individual act on the appointment of a person authorized to submit the request, i.e. to use and protect the obtained data.

In case the data user appoints several authorized persons, the delivery shall be considered correct by sending the data and documents to one of these persons.


The user will use the data and documents obtained from the SBRA in this manner solely for the purposes stated in the request and will be required to take every precaution to prevent the unauthorized use of the obtained data.

The provisions of the law governing the protection of personal data apply to the exchange and use of personal data.

The data and documents may not be reproduced and distributed for commercial purposes.

If the data and documents are used for compiling an own document or other product, the user will be required to indicate the SBRA as the data source.

Local government units may only obtain data pertaining to their territorial jurisdiction.

Ways of data delivery and submission of requests

Data can be delivered to the users in the following ways:

  • standardized reports,
  • special reports prepared according to the criteria for data selection, i.e. conditions and levels of processing and in the scope defined by the user in the request,
  • Web Portal for Data Delivery,
  • web service.

Request submission

For data delivery through standardized reports and data delivery based on special user requests

For data delivery via the web Portal for data delivery and delivery via the web service

Requests are submitted to the Agency in person, by post or in electronic form, and can also be submitted to one of the SBRA’s organizational units.

Definition of terms

“REGISTER, i.e. RECORDS” is an integrated, centralized, electronic database of data subject to statutory registration, i.e. recording and of documents on the basis of which these are registered, ie. recorded.

“DATABASE” is an organized and arranged set of mutually structured data and documents in a manner that ensures the availability of individual data by electronic or other means, in respect of which the Republic of Serbia exercises copyrights through the Serbian Business Registers Agency, pursuant to domestic and international regulations and standards.

“(PIECE OF) DATA” is a fact subject to statutory registration, i.e. recording, i.e. important for legal transactions and  delivered to users individually from each of the SBRA’s registers or records.

“STANDARDIZED REPORT” entails the grouping of individual and aggregated data from the registers’ and/or records’ databases, according to a determined structure and criteria for choosing data, specified in the List of Standardized Reports.

“DOCUMENT” is a submission, an attachment and other documentary material that is attached and obtained in the registration and recording procedure, as well as an act issued by the competent authority in the registration and recording procedure, and which, as an integral part of the archive material and documentary material, is made available to the users for the purpose of performing tasks within their competence.

“PUBLICATION” is the electronic display, on the Agency's website, of data and documents that are subject to registration and recording, decisions made in the registration and recording procedure, and data and documents that are not subject to registration and recording, and are published in accordance with regulations, as well as displaying reports or announcements from the Agency's databases.

“WEB PORTAL FOR DATA DELIVERY” is a unique user portal of the Agency that enables a unified display of all registered and recorded data and derived and aggregated methodologically arranged data on legal entities, entrepreneurs and other registered entities, as well as independent use of the Agency's data and certain data that the Agency takes from others state bodies and institutions.

“WEB SERVICES” are distributed software components that enable program connection of applications or other software components based on standardized communication formats.

“USER’S AUTHORIZED PERSON” is a natural person designated in the user's request for data, i.e. the agreement or protocol concluded between the user and the Agency or another document on the basis of which the user gains the right to access the Agency's registered and recorded data, i.e. who is responsible for the use and protection of data.

“AUTHORIZED PERSON'S E-MAIL ACCOUNT” is an assigned electronic address through which authorized persons communicate electronically.

Data delivery

The Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) delivers individual and aggregate data from each individual register, i.e. records in electronic format.

Deadlines for processing and delivery of data and documents

The SBRA processes the requests are delivers the data and documents within 30 days as of the date of receipt of the request, or as of the date of publication of the data on the SBRA’s website.

The deadlines for the delivery of data according to specific requests are determined by the SBRA’s director, and the Agency duly informs the applicants thereof.