In case the same document has to be used in several procedures of registration, interested parties may deposit this document in the Register of Agreements on Financing Agricultural Production. This can be a power of attorney, excerpts from competent registers concerning legal entities that are not registered with the Serbian Business Registers Agency or other documents, and they must be originals, certified excerpts or certified copies.

Powers of attorney that are deposited are valid until the expiry of the term specified by the principal, restricting representation by the authorized person, or until its revocation or cancellation, pursuant to the law.

Excerpts issued by competent registration authorities (registers, courts and similar), either foreign or domestic, for entities that are not registered with the Serbian Business Registers Agency, or other appropriate documents that can corroborate with certainty the data on the parties to the agreement on financing agricultural production – the creditor and the debtor, after being deposited, become legally valid for the Register of Agreements on Financing Agricultural Production for a period of one year from the date of issue, for any status and other changes relevant for the registration procedure.

Foreign documents must be legalized in accordance with the Law on Legalization of Documents in International Transactions (Official Gazette of the SFRY, No 6/73 and Official Gazette of SM, No 1/03 - Constitutional Charter), if the state in which the document was issued or drawn up is neither a signatory of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, signed in The Hague on 5 October 1961 (Official Gazette of the SFRY – Addendum International Treaties and Other Agreements No. 10/1962), nor a signatory of the bilateral agreement on mutual exemption of public documents from legalization with the Republic of Serbia.

“Full legalization” is required if the country in whose territory the public document has been issued is not a party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization of Foreign Public Documents and it has not concluded with our country a bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of public documents without legalization. If the country of issuance is a party to the Hague Convention, the foreign public document must have the proper “Apostille” affixed to it. Where the Republic of Serbia has a ratified bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of public documents without legalization with the country on whose territory the subject public document has been issued, neither legalization nor the “Apostille” stamp is required.

More detailed information on parties to the Hague Convention and countries with which the Republic of Serbia has ratified bilateral agreements on mutual abolishment of the requirement for legalization of public documents is available here.

A document drawn up in a foreign language must be submitted with a certified translation by a court interpreter.

Note: No fee is charged for depositing documents.