The SBRA runs business registers as single, centralized, public electronic databases:

  • The Business Register, in accordance with the Law on Business Entities Registration (operative as of 1/1/2005):

                       Register of Companies (in effect as of 1 January 2005)

                       Register of Entrepreneurs (in effect as of 1 January 2006)

                       Register of foreign parties (in effect as of 1 January 2006)

  • The Financial Leasing Register, in accordance with the Law on Financial Leasing (operative as of 1/1/2005)
  • The Register of Pledges over Movable Property and Rights, in accordance with the Law on Registered Pledges over Movable Property (operative as of 15/8/2005)
  • Тhe Register of Media, in accordance with the Law on Public Information and Media (operative as of 13/02/2015)
  • Тhe Register of Associations, in accordance with the Law on Associations (operative as of 22/10/2009)
  • Тhe Register of Foreign Associations, in accordance with the Law on Associations (operative as of 22/10/2009)
  • Тhe Register of Tourism, in accordance with the Law on Tourism (operative as of 1/1/2010)
  • Тhe Register of Financial Statements, in accordance with Amendmends of, and Suppliments to the Law on Accounting and Audit  (operative as of 1/1/2010)
  • Тhe Register of Bankruptcy Estate (operative as of 23/1/2010)
  • Тhe Register of Regional Development (operative as of 1/2/2011)
  • Тhe Register of Endowments and Foundations (operative as of 1/3/2011)
  • Тhe Register of Representative Offices of Foreign Endowments and Foundations (operative as of 1/3/2011)
  • Тhe Register of Injunctions (operative as of 17/9/2011)
  • Тhe Register of Sports Associations, Societies and Federations (operative as of 23/9/2011)
  • Тhe Register of Chambers of Commerce (operative as of 1/1/2013)
  • Тhe Register of Bidders (operative as of 1/9/2013)
  • Тhe Register of Factoring (operative as of 22/10/2013)
  • Тhe Register of Contracts on Financing of Agricultural Production (operative as of 1/06/2015)
  • Тhe Register of Construction Permits  (operative as of 1/01/2016)
  • Тhe Register of Temporary Restrictions of Rights of Entities (operative as of 1/06/2016)
  • The Central Records of Beneficial Owners (operative as of 31/12/2018)
  • The Register of Health Facilities and Integrated Records of Health Operators, in compliance with the Law on Health Care (Register operative as of 11/10/2020; Records operative as of 20/4/2021)
  • The Register of Accounting Services Providers (operative as of 1/1/2021)
  • The Register of Cultural Institutions (operative as of 18/11/2022).

Running centralized registers in a single institution such as the SBRA, which has jurisdiction over the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia, provides standardized registration practices - in accordance with EU guidelines - as well as standardized conditions for all stakeholders in Serbia’s economy.

Single central registers also allow state authorities and institutions to access information on registered business entities, their solvency, debts of natural and legal entities related to financial leasing and pledges over movable property and rights and similar, all in one place.