The Register of Associations began to operate on 22 October 2009, pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Associations (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 51/09). The administration of the Register is vested in the Serbian Business Registers Agency as a delegated task of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government.

The Register of Associations contains data on associations/federations of associations, specifically:  serial number of registration; organizational form (association or federation); name of association/federation; short name of association/federation; registered office and address of the association/federation; sector in which the association/federation is pursuing its objectives; date of establishment of the association/federation; commercial and other activities directly pursued by the association/federation; personal name, domicile, i.e. residence and unique personal number of the citizen, or passport number and country of issue of the authorized representative of the association/federation; estimated term of establishment of the association/federation; registration number and tax identification number (PIB) of the association/federation; membership in a federation or other association in the country and abroad; date of adoption of the articles of association and amendments thereto; data on change in status; data related to liquidation of the association/federation; data related to bankruptcy of the association/federation; note on the institution of the procedure for banning the activities of an association/federation;  ban on the activities of a association/federation; number and date of adoption of the decree on registration in the Register; number and date of adoption the decision on registration in the Register; number and date of adoption of the decision on change of data in the Register; number and date of adoption of the decision on strike-off from the Register; remarks.

Association/federation of associations with registered office on the territory of the Republic of Serbia

An association is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded upon the freedom of association of several natural or legal entities, established for the purpose of achieving and improving a specific joint or common object and interest, provided that these are not prohibited by the Constitution or Law.

Secret and paramilitary associations are prohibited.

An association may become a member of federations or other associations in the country and abroad (hereinafter: federations).

A part of an association does not have the status of a legal entity.

The work of an association/federation of associations is transparent. Transparency is regulated by the Articles of Association of the association/federation of associations.

The registration of an association/federation of associations with registered office on the territory of the Republic of Serbia in the Register is voluntary.

An association/federation of associations acquires the status of legal entity on the date of registration in the Register.