About solvency reports

Solvency reports contain reliable, up to date and clear information about business performance and financial standing of business entities, providing valuable tool for more efficient business-decision making and decrease of operating risk.

Solvency reports represent a systematized set of data on solvency for the last three reporting years and consist of basic data, concise financial statements, solvency indicators (individual and aggregate), data on financial statements audit, data on non-liquidity and data on the prohibition of funds disposal on bank accounts, as well as solvency report remarks. Solvency reports are available for enterprises, cooperatives, institutions and entrepreneurs.

SBRA offers several types of solvency reports with different structure, content and information value, according to the users’ needs. They are created as standardized for general purposes and as specialized, created in accordance with specific regulation and market requirements (such as participation in public procurements, credit ability evaluation of debtors and leasing recipients, for solvency assessment of securities’ market participants, etc.).

Additionally, SBRA offers a set of solvency indicators in the form of report, which contains individual and aggregated indicators. Those indicators are available per selected year and can be selected per groups – for enterprises and cooperatives, for institutions and for entrepreneurs.

Solvency indicators are objective and standardized, at micro and macro level, also arranged in comparative time series which ensure their comparability among the years.

Types and samples of solvency reports

SBRA does not provide solvency reports for branches of foreign legal entities, as well as for deleted legal entities and entrepreneurs.


Solvency reports are available to all users – legal entities and individuals, in Serbian and English, under equal commercial conditions.

Request for providing solvency reports can be submitted as follows:

  • electronically - via the SBRA web site

eOrdering of reports and certificates

  • in writing - by submitting the prescribed form of BON -Request 1, in person or by post.

BON REQUEST 1 - Request for ordering data, solvency reports and scoring

After the properly filled request, the user will be sent a proforma invoice for the payment of the fee, with all necessary elements (recipient account number for the payment of the fee to the SBRA, payment code, fee amount). Solvency reports are delivered to the user when the payment has been recorded (based on a statement of daily payments), after acceptance of the advance invoice by the user (for users subject to the Law on Electronic Invoicing), in the manner defined by the request (in person, by post or by e-mail).

In case an urgent solvency report is requested (within the same day when the request was submitted) the fee will be increased by 50%. The request should be submitted up to 13 a.m. exceptionally, for delivering the report by post, the request should be submitted up to 10 a.m.

Solvency reports are available in electronic format. Also, users can request reports in paper format, which increases the fee by 20%. Solvency reports are delivered in paper format only in person or by post.

Fees for solvency reports