The Central Register of Integrated Procedures
The Central Register of Integrated Procedures began operating within the Serbian Business Registers Agency on 1 January 2016.
The Central Register of Integrated Procedures is the first centralized, public, electronic database, with integrated data on the progress of each individual case, the documents filed with and obtained from the competent authorities in the procedure of applying for permits for the construction, extension and reconstruction of facilities, including decisions and other acts of the authorities generated in the procedure.
The software required for the operation of the Central Register of Integrated Procedures has been developed as part of the project “Development of the System for Electronic Issuance of Construction Permits in the Region of South East Europe”, implemented within the GIZ – Open Regional Fund for South East Europe - Modernization of Municipal Services, funded by the Governments of Germany and Switzerland. The implementing partner is the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), and other partners on the project are the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, the Association of Local Self-Government Units of the Republic of North Macedonia (ZELS) etc.
The integrated procedure is a group of procedures and activities carried out by the competent service in connection with the construction, extension or reconstruction of facilities, i.e., execution of works, including: issuance of location requirements, construction permit, decisions foreseen under Article 145 of the Law on Planning and Construction, notice of the commencement of works, notice of completion of construction works on the foundations and notice of completion of the construction of the facilities, issuance of occupancy/use permit, securing connection to infrastructural networks, registration of ownership of the facilities, amendments to the acts obtained in the procedure, obtaining requirements for the designing of and connection to infrastructural networks, obtaining approvals for technical documentation, as well as obtaining legal and other documents issued by the public authorities that are required for the issuance of location requirements, construction and use permits.
The integrated procedure, as a new procedure enabling a more efficient process for issuing permits and approvals required in the procedure of construction, extension and reconstruction of facilities, is foreseen by the Law on Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 132/2014) and became applicable on 1 March 2015.
As of 1 January 2016, all applications in the integrated procedure are filed in electronic format only, through the Central Information System of the Serbian Business Registers Agency. For technical and operational support, please send an email to, or please call 011 635 97 99 or 011 635 98 35.
CENTRAL REGISTER OF INTEGRATED PROCEDURES (CRIP) – an integrated, centralized, public, electronic database administered by the Serbian Business Registers Agency that incorporates data on the progress of each individual case, documents filed with or obtained from the relevant authorities in the application process for the construction, extension or reconstruction of facilities/buildings, including decisions and other acts of the relevant authorities generated in this procedure.
CENTRAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (CIS) – the information system used for the implementation of the integrated procedure that can be accessed through the Serbian Business Registers Agency’s website to file an application, download acts issued by the relevant authorities and search the database.
REGISTER OF INTEGRATED PROCEDURES – electronic database managed by the relevant authority through the Central Information System that contains data on the progress of each individual case, acts that the relevant authority has issued in the integrated procedure and the documents submitted or obtained through the integrated procedure.
COMPETENT AUTHORITY – the ministry responsible for construction affairs, the authority of the autonomous province responsible for construction affairs, or the competent authority of a local self-government unit, within the limits of its statutory authority to issue location requirements, construction and occupancy permits.
COMPETENT OFFICE – special organizational unit of the competent authority (department, office, section, administration and similar), by means of which the competent authority implements the integrated procedure.
REGISTRAR OF THE CENTRAL REGISTER OF INTEGRATED PROCEDURES – the person responsible for managing the Central Register of Integrated Procedures.
REGISTRAR OF THE REGISTER OF INTEGRATED PROCEDURES – the person appointed to manage the Register of Integrated Procedures, or the manager of the competent office, if no Registrar is appointed within the competent authority.
MANAGER OF THE COMPETENT OFFICE – the person appointed by the competent authority, i.e. the person assigned to the position of manager of the competent office, who is responsible for the efficient implementation of the integrated procedure.
INTEGRATED PROCEDURE – a set of procedures and activities implemented by the competent authority in connection with the construction, extension or reconstruction of buildings, and the carrying out of works, which also include the issuing of location requirements, the issuing of construction permits, the issuing of decisions under Article 145 of the Law on Planning and Construction, the notification of commencement of works, the notification of completion of the foundation works, the notification of the completion of the construction of the building, the issuing of an occupancy permit, connection to the infrastructural network, registration of ownership of the completed building, amendments of all of the aforementioned acts, obtaining the requirements for designing, and/or connecting the building to the infrastructural network, obtaining approval of the technical documents and obtaining other instruments and documents issued by the holders of public authority, which are a requirement for the construction of buildings, and for the issuing of location requirements, construction and occupancy permits.
APPLICATION – an act whereby the applicant instigates the integrated procedure, or the individual phases of this procedure.
APPLICANT – the person at whose request the integrated procedure, or the individual phases of this procedure, are instigated.