The Application for publication of a document is available in the section “Forms.

The completed application form shall be accompanied by a document whose registration is sought and proof of payment of the fee.

There are three types of documents that may be published:

  • a document containing detailed information on the object of pledge;
  • a notification of the creditor’s intention to settle his matured claim from the value of the object of the right of pledge;
  • a notification of the venue and time of the out-of-court sale.

Publication of a document containing detailed information on the pledged asset

If the object of a pledge right is determined as a portfolio of movable assets, a document containing more detailed information about the pledged asset (specification, minutes and similar) may be published on the Register’s website.

A photograph of the pledged asset may also be published on the Register’s website.

The Application for publication of a document may be submitted separately, and in that case the applicant shall complete the entire application form, or it may be submitted with the Application for registration of a right of pledge, i.e. the Application for registration of amendments and/or supplements to the data on a registered pledge, in which case page 3 of the Application for publication of a document shall be attached.

Notification of the creditor’s intention to settle

A notification of the creditor’s intention to settle his matured claim from the value of the object of the plege right shall be submitted concurrently with the Application for registration of an annotation of settlement, in order to be published. The prescribed period laid down by the Law for the initiation of the settlement procedure starts to run from the date of publication of the notification.

The application for publication of a notification of the creditor’s intention to settle his matured claim from the value of the object of the pledge right shall be submitted with the application for registration of an annotation to the effect that the settlement procedure has started and accompanied by Attachment 1- Application for publication of a notification of the creditor’s intention to settle his matured claim from the value of the object of the pledge right. 

Notification of the venue and time of the out-of-court sale

The pledge creditor is required to publish a notice of the venue and time of the out-of-court sale on the website of the Pledge Register, at least 15 days before the scheduled date of the out-of-court sale.

A request for publication of the notification of the venue and time of the out-of-court sale shall be submitted by completing the Application for publication of a document.


The fee for publication of a scanned document containing detailed information on the pledged asset (specification and similar), the creditor’s notification of his intention to settle his claim from the value of the object of the pledge right, and notification of the venue and time of the out-of-court sale shall amount to RSD 1,000 per document.

Account for payment of fees

Account number for payment of the fee for the publication of documents, which is paid to the Serbian Business Registers Agency:

  • 840-29770845-52, model 97, reference number (the obtained generated reference number must be entered in the payment slip).