About scoring
Scoring is a form of solvency assessment that clearly, reliably and promptly gives a comprehensive illustration of the enterprise’s business. It provides faster, simpler and more efficient business decision-making when choosing a business partner, for the market analysis purposes and varied business risk assessments, providing also valuable support to analysts in the process of detailed qualitative analysis based on the particularities of each enterprise.
Scoring is a comprehensive objective solvency assessment determined by the data from regular annual financial statements for the last five, or not less than three reporting years. Scoring indicates a quantitative analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise, which is evaluated through the set of solvency indicators, while respecting the general tendencies in the area where the enterprise performs its core activity and, accordingly, the determining of the annual grades on solvency. The analysis includes other relevant data important for the business of the enterprise, such as the number of non-liquidity days for the last twelve months, data on the prohibition of funds disposal on bank accounts, etc. and the overall grades on solvency i.e. scoring are determined.
Scoring is available as a report in which the solvency assessment of the enterprise is given as well as the solvency assessment of the area and sector where the enterprise performs its core activity which enables the clear positioning of the enterprise in its business environment. The report also contains a systematized set of data for the last five reporting years - basic status and financial data, solvency indicators (individual and aggregate), data on financial statements audit, non-liquidity data and data on the prohibition of funds disposal on bank accounts and other important information (position in the field of activity, Z-score, other data regarding financial statements and audit, etc.).
Based on scoring, enterprises are classified into five basic and three specific levels of solvency assessment: excellent solvency (AA), very good solvency (BB+, BB, BB-), good solvency (CC+, CC, CC-), acceptable solvency (DD+, DD, DD-) and very weak solvency (EE). For specific groups of enterprises, due to certain legal procedures (bankruptcy, liquidation, status change), or due to long-term non-liquidity, lack of data, as well as for newly founded enterprises, solvency assessment is not determined, and scoring is indicated by specific status symbol.
Solvency assessment levels and status symbols in scoring
Given scoring is valid until the preliminary aggregate processing of the regular annual financial reports for the next year is completed. It can cease to be valid even before this deadline in the case of bankruptcy or liquidation, the occurrence of status changes, in case when number of non-liquidity days of the enterprise indicates need for revision of scoring, due to not submitting the correct documentation, according to regulations, with financial report based on which the solvency evaluation is determined, as well as due to occurrence of other circumstances that are important for determining the level of scoring assessment.
SBRA publishes Preview of issued scoring which contains an overview of all issued scoring with the termination date of their validity.
SBRA does not provide scoring for branches of foreign legal entities, nor for deleted enterprises.
Scoring is available to all users – legal entities and individuals, in Serbian and English, under equal commercial conditions.
Request for providing scoring can be submitted as follows:
- electronically - via the SBRA web site
eOrdering of reports and certificates
- in writing - by submitting the prescribed form BON - Request 1, in person or by post.
BON REQUEST 1 - Request for ordering data, solvency reports and scoring
After receiving properly filled request, the user will be sent a proforma invoice for the payment of the fee, with all necessary elements (recipient account number for the payment of the fee to the SBRA, payment code, fee amount). Scoring is delivered to the user when the payment has been recorded (based on a statement of daily payments), after acceptance of the advance invoice by the user (for users subject to the Law on Electronic Invoicing), in the manner defined by the request (in person, by post or by e-mail).
Scoring is provided in a regular procedure and users cannot request urgent scoring issuing (within the same day when the request was submitted).
Scoring is available in electronic format. Also, users can request a report in paper format, which increases the fee by 20%. Scoring reports are delivered in paper format only in person or by post.