Account number, Model and Reference Number

Payments of the fees for excerpts, certificates, copies of entry of Registrar’s decisions and copies of documents shall be made to Account No.: 840-29770845-52, according to Model 97; a reference number is to be downloaded here, by clicking on: “Прeузмитe пoзив нa брoj” (“Download a reference number”). The obtained generated reference number must be entered in the payment slip and is valid for one payment only).


Excerpt by a FL. number (“Fl. br.”)

An excerpt from the Register is a public document, which contains all registered information on a particular financial leasing contract as at the excerpt issue date. Such an excerpt has the power of an executive document.

On the website of the Register, the form of the Application requesting issuance of an excerpt/certificate from the Register of Financial Leasing is posted in the section “Forms”.

Proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.

The fee for the issuance of an excerpt from the Register shall amount to RSD 1,700.

The application can be submitted by any interested party.

The application can be submitted directly at the registered office of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Belgrade, Brankova 25, or any of its thirteen organizational units, or be sent by mail.

Addresses of organizational units are displayed in the section “Contacts”.

An excerpt shall be issued within two workdays from the date of receipt of the application. If the application is submitted in person, at the registered office of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Belgrade, it can be obtained immediately.

The application form can be downloaded from the section “Forms”, free of charge. A print-out of the application form can be obtained at the Agency’s registered office in Belgrade or any of its organizational units, for a fee of RSD 120.


A certificate is a public document confirming that a certain movable or immovable asset is registered as the leased object, i.e. that a certain person is registered as a lessee, stating basic data on the registered financial leasing contract or confirming that a certain movable or immovable asset is not registered as the leased object, i.e. that a certain person is not registered as the lessee.

A certificate also confirms that the data or document was registered, i.e. that the Register contains a certain document.

On the website of the Register, the form of the Application requesting issuance of an excerpt/certificate from the Register of Financial Leasing is posted in the section “Forms”.

Proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.

The fee for the issuance of a certificate from the Register shall amount to:

  • RSD 1,500 - for the issuance of a certificate confirming that data on a particular entity or asset is contained in the Register, stating the registration number of the requested data, and basic data on the registered asset, whereby, if a certificate is issued for several movable or immovable assets or natural or legal persons, the prescribed fee shall be increased by RSD 200 for each subsequent asset or entity;
  • RSD 1,000 - for the issuance of a certificate stating that the Register does not contain any data on the financial lease over a particular asset, whereby, if a certificate is issued for several movable or immovable assets or natural or legal persons, the prescribed fee shall be increased by RSD 200 for each subsequent asset or entity;
  • for the issuance of a certificate on the data contained in the supporting registration documents based on which the registration has been performed, and of a certificate on the data registered earlier - RSD 1,000 per entry;
  • for excerpts and certificates issued in electronic form, half of the prescribed fee shall be paid.

The application can be submitted by any interested party.

The application can be submitted directly at the registered office of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Belgrade, at Brankova 25, or any of its thirteen organizational units, or be sent by mail.

Addresses of the Agency’s organizational units are displayed in the section “Contacts”.

A certificate shall be issued within two workdays from the date of receipt of the application.

The application form can be downloaded from the section “Forms”, free of charge. A print-out of the application form can be obtained at the Agency’s registered office in Belgrade or at any of its organizational units, for a fee of RSD 120.

Copy of entry of the Registrar’s decision

The Application for Issuance of a Copy of Entry of the Registrar’s Decision from the Financial Leasing Register shall be made in a free form, and may be submitted by the contracting parties or other parties who have legal interest.

The application can be submitted directly at the registered office of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Belgrade, at Brankova 25, or any of its thirteen organizational units, or be sent by mail.

The addresses of the organizational units are displayed in the section “Contacts”.

Proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.

The fee for issuance of a copy of entry of the Registrar’s decision shall amount to RSD 1,700.

A copy of entry of the Registrar’s decision shall be issued within two workdays from the date of receipt of the application, and if it is submitted in person at the registered office of the Serbian Business Registers Agency in Belgrade, it shall be obtained immediately

Issuance of copies of documents and access to the Archives

Any interested party may also request issuance of copies of documents based on which the registration or strike-off of data from the Register was performed. More information in this respect is available in the section “Archives”.