SBRA makes its registers’ data publicly available through an Internet browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) or web services. Any other accessing method and unauthorized downloading of the data (applications, scripts, and other data downloading and reviewing tools) will be disabled.

Instructions for the Register Database Search

Instructions for searching the data contained in the Register of Injunctions

You can search the database of the Register of Injunctions using the following four basic strings:

  • the parties;
  • the property a provisional remedy has been imposed upon;
  • the number of the court decision imposing a provisional remedy; and
  • the number under which an application for registration of a provisional remedy has been filed in the Register (“SZ. br.”).

Search by Parties

If the database is searched by enforcement debtor, the search strings vary depending on whether it is a natural or legal, foreign or domestic entity:

  • for a domestic natural entity, enter the first and last name and/or unique master citizen number (“JMBG”);
  • for a foreign natural entity, enter the first and last name and/or passport number;
  • for a domestic legal entity, enter the business name and/or registration number;
  • for a foreign legal entity, enter the business name and/or the designation under which it is filed in the foreign register of business entities and the name of that register.


When searching by enforcement debtor, it is recommended that the search is always performed also by the enforcement debtor’s registration number or unique master citizen number (“JMBG”), depending on whether it is a domestic: legal entity, sole proprietor or natural person.


Data search by the property a provisional remedy has been imposed upon

If the database is searched by the data on the property the provisional remedy has been imposed upon, the search strings depend upon the type of property:

  • If the object of injunction is a real estate property or real right over a real estate, the search strings are:
    • cadastral parcel number;
    • municipality;
    • place;
    • cadastral municipality;
    • street;
    • house number or mark;
    • flat number/business premises number/garage number.

The strings can be entered individually or collectively.

  • If the object of injunction is a movable asset, the search strings are:
    • for objects that have a registration number:
    • registration designation/number;
    • mark;
    • type/model;
    • chassis number (if any);
    • engine number.

The strings can be entered individually or collectively.

  • for objects without a registration number:
  • mark;
  • type/model;
  • production code/serial number.

The strings can be entered individually or collectively.

  • for an art object or valuables, the strings are:
    • type/name;
    • author/producer.

The strings can be entered individually or collectively.

  • for animals:
    • detailed definition;

Kriterijume je moguće navesti pojedinačno ili kumulativno.


When a provisional remedy is imposed upon the entire property of the enforcement debtor, the database search will return results only if data on the enforcement debtor are used as the search strings.

Search by the number of the court decision imposing a provisional remedy

If the database is searched by the number of a court decision imposing or revoking a provisional remedy, the search strings are:

  • court name;
  • number under which the court decision has been issued.

The strings must be entered collectively.

Search by the number under which an application form for registration of a provisional remedy has been filed in the Register (“SZ. br.”)

If the database is searched by the number under which a particular registration application form has been filed in the Register, enter the number assigned by the Serbian Business Registers Agency (the so-called “SZ. br.”), only in the хххх/хх format, without the – х addition.

The published document can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding link in the table, and the complete overview of registered data and all published documents can be accessed by clicking on the basic SZ. br. under which the data on the temporary measure were registered.