The Serbian Business Registers Agency, in accordance with the regulations governing the competence and affairs of the Agency, provides services for processing and issuing registered and recorded data from its registers and records, at the request of the user, accompanied by the payment of the prescribed fee.

Interested users – legal entities and natural persons are provided with single unit and aggregate (statistical) data from the Agency’s registers pursuant to the Methodology for the provision of data in electronic format which further defines the type, scope and manner of data delivery.

Fees for the provision of registered data, reports and the provision of other services at the special request of the user are prescribed by Article 23 of the Decision on fees for registration and other services provided by the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

Pre-defined single unit datasets - basic, extended basic and additional datasets (which users choose when submitting an application, in the appropriate, prescribed form) are given from:

  • Business Entities Register
  • Associations Register and Foreign Assosiations Register, and
  • Endowments and Foundations Register and Register of Representative Offices of Foreign EAF.

The broadest current single unit dataset, which includes all available register data, is provided from the:

  • Media Register,
  • Bankruptcy Estate Register,
  • Tourism Register,
  • Bidders Register,
  • Register of Sport Associations, Societies and Federations,
  • Register of Chambers of Commerce Register and Representative Offices of Foreign Chambers of Commerce, and
  • Register of Health Facilities
  • Register of Cultural Institutions,
  • Central Records of Beneficial Owners.

From the Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights, the Register of Financial Leasing, the Register of Agreements on Financing Agricultural Production, the Register of Injunctions and the Register of Factoring, the Agency provides individual data upon entry, as well as standardized reports with a predefined data structure. 

From the Central Register of Integrated Procedures (electronic issuance of construction permits), the Agency provides only aggregate (statistical) data.

The application for providing data is submitted on the prescribed form on which the user enters the following: user identification data, details regarding the desired data format, method of delivery, as well as criteria for selection and data processing.

Criteria for data selection and processing are grouped into mandatory, additional and other criteria. Mandatory and additional criteria are defined in advance according to the type of register, while other criteria are described in the application form that the user submits to the Agency.

Other criteria for data processing (there can be a maximum of two) are descriptive and can refer to any data, from one or two registers, on the basis of which it is possible to perform data processing. 

The application forms that are submitted in order to obtain single unit and/or aggregate (statistical) data can be found below:

Applications submitted in order to obtain data from registers and records for which there are no special application forms shall be submitted in free form. 

Submission of application

The application is submitted to the Agency in paper or in electronic form, in one of the following manners:

  • by e-mail, to the SBRA’s address:,
  • in person, at the SBRA’s head office (Brankova 25, 11 000 Belgrade) and organisational units,
  • by post, to the SBRA’s address (Brankova 25, 11 000 Belgrade).

Data delivery and format

Based on user requests, the SBRA will compile and deliver single unit datasets in electronic form in one of the following formats:

  • XLS/XSLX format (MS Excel file) – basic format,
  • MDB format (MS Access file) – at specific request.

Based on user requests, the SBRA will compile and deliver aggregate (statistical) data in electronic form in one of the following formats:

  • DOC/DOCX format (MS Word file),
  • PDF format,
  • XLS/XSLX format (MS Excel file).

The selected single unit dataset and reports on aggregate (statistical) data in electronic form are delivered to users in one of the following manners:

  • DOC/DOCX format (MS Word file),
  • by e-mail,
  • through other electronic services provided by the SBRA.


The fees for providing registered single data units in electronic form, at the request of the user are:

Single unit dataset - Registers

Fee amount

Business Entities Register

Associations Register and Foreign Associations Register

Endowments and Foundations Register and Register of Representative Offices of Foreign EAF

up to RSD 40 per registered entity, depending on the chosen dataset group

Media Register

Bakruptcy Estate Register

Tourism Register

Bidders Register

Register of Sport Associations, Societies and Federations

Register of Chambers of Commerce Register and Representative Offices of Foreign Chambers of Commerce, and

Register of Health Facilities

Register of Cultural Institutions

Central Records of Beneficial Owners

RSD 40 per registered entity

Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights
Financial Leasing Register

Register of Injunctions

Register of Agreements on Financing Agricultural Production 

Factoring Register

RSD 40 per entry for a report containing up to 50 entries

for each subsequent entry above 50 entries, the fee is RSD 10 per entry

for issuing standardized reports with a predefined data structure, the fee is RSD 10 430 per report, and RSD 5 per entry for reports containing data from individual entries

Fees for providing aggregate (statistical) data from the above-mentioned registers and the Central Register of Integrated Procedures are calculated according to the number of data units and amount to:

Aggregate (statistical) data

Fee amount

1 to 10 units

RSD 520

11 to 100 units

RSD 50 per data unit

101 to 200 units

RSD 40 per data unit

201 to 300 units

RSD 30 per data unit

over 300 units

RSD 20 per data unit

The fee for providing aggregate (statistical) data is increased according to the level of data processing according to the criteria from the user's application by 20% for each subsequent level, i.e. the attribute according to which the query is made to the appropriate register or database.