Fees charged for services provided by the Central Register of Integrated Procedures

When you file an application through the Central Information System (CIS) of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, you will get payment instructions for fees and charges, including fees for services provided by the Central Register of Integrated Procedures (CRIP).

Fees charged for services provided by the Central Register of Integrated Procedures (CRIP)

The fees are set out in the Decision on Fees for Registration and Other Services Provided by the Serbian Business Registers Agency (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 131/22).

The fees for filing an application and publishing data and documents through the special information system of the Central Register of Integrated Procedures are as follows:

  • RSD 1,000, for issuing and amending location requirements for classes of buildings in categories A and B;
  • RSD 2,000, for issuing and amending location requirements for classes of buildings in categories V and G;
  • RSD 3,000, for issuing and amending construction permits for classes of buildings in categories A and B;
  • RSD 5,000, for issuing and amending construction permits for classes of buildings in categories V and G;
  • RSD 2,000, for issuing and amending decisions pursuant to Art. 145 of the Law on Planning and Construction;
  • RSD 2,000, for issuing and amending temporary construction permits;
  • RSD 1,000, for issuing an occupancy permit for classes of buildings in categories А and B;
  • RSD 2,000, for issuing an occupancy permit for classes of buildings in categories V and G;
  • RSD 500, for notification of commencement of works, notification of completion of foundation works, of completion of construction works and for filing applications to initiate proceedings within the integrated procedure.