By improving the electronic one-stop shop service between the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) and the Central Registry of Compulsory Social Insurance (CROSO) a shift has been made in the area of starting a business, given that it removes one step in the procedure that a company needs to complete when starting a business.

For a company whose founder is registered as the company’s representative, the SBRA submits to the CROSO an application for compulsory social insurance (“M form”) through the integrated one-stop shop business registration procedure. Until two days ago this service was offered only to sole proprietors. Henceforth, it will be also provided to the said types of companies.

Thanks to the introduced improvements of the one-stop shop business registration system, the time necessary to complete the procedure for starting a business has been additionally shortened.

Incorporation certificates issued by the Serbian Business Registers Agency contain the registration number/entity code (assigned by the Republic Statistical Office and allocated by the SBRA) and the Tax Identification Number (TIN) assigned by the Tax Administration. As of 2016, by submitting to the SBRA an application form for incorporation and registration of an entity with the integrated register of taxpayers, the applicant simultaneously applies for a VAT or lump sum taxation, i.e. taxation on the revenues stemming from self-employment.

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