Currently, there are 402,083 business entities registered in the SBRA’s Business Entities Register, out of which 131,164 are companies and 270,919 are sole proprietors.

In the first three months, there were 2,608 newly-established companies and 6,367 newly-established sole proprietors. In the same period of 2019, there were 2,226 newly-established companies and 8,051 newly-established sole proprietors.

In the first three months, 1,247 companies and 6,691 sole proprietors were struck off the Register, while in the same period of 2019, 744 companies and 5,510 sole proprietors were removed from the Register.

Data show that the number of companies established in the first quarter of this year increased by 17% compared to the same period of last year. However, the number of sole proprietors incorporated in the first three months of 2020 decreased by 26.4%. As regards the comparison of business entities removal from the Register during the first quarters of 2019 and 2020, the findings show that the number of struck off companies in 2020 is by 67.6% higher, while the number pertaining to sole proprietors fell by 21.4% compared to the same period of 2019.

If the number of newly-established business entities in 2020 is observed on monthly basis, data demonstrate the following findings: 728 companies and 2,151 sole proprietors (January), 934 companies and 2,398 sole proprietors (February), and 946 companies and 1,818 sole proprietors (March).

When the removal of business entities from the Register in 2020 is analyzed by month, data show the following: January - 574 companies and 2,216 sole proprietors, February - 198 companies and 2,199 sole proprietors, and March - 475 companies and 2,276 sole proprietors.

Mr. Milan Lučić, Director of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, has stressed: "Even during the state of emergency, we regularly perform all tasks falling within our jurisdiction. In March, we received 39,570 registration applications and requests addressed to almost all registers that we keep". Mr. Lučić has emphasized that due to closure of its counters, the internal organization of the SBRA is primarily aimed at prompt processing of documentation received by post and uninterrupted provision of all administrative services to business community, without halt.

In addition to registering formations, strike offs and changes of data in the Register of Business Entities, the SBRA is also carrying out procedures pertaining to harmonization of bidders with the new Law. It is registering pledge rights, financial leasing agreements, as well as associations, sports associations, endowments and foundations. Also, it is issuing certificates and excerpts from the registers it keeps.

All electronic services of the SBRA function normally, with 24/7 availability. From 1 January to 8 April 2020, 26,806 applications for construction permits were received through the integrated system for issuance of e-construction permits. This represents a 15% increase compared to the same period of last year, when 23,212 applications were received.

Since January 2020, 415 sole proprietors and 238 limited liability companies have been incorporated electronically. If compared to January, the use of this eService in March increased by 70%. When compared to February this year, it has increased by 48%.

Electronic financial statements for the year 2019 are being processed continually, while beneficial owners of more than 1,300 registered entities have been recorded last month in the SBRA’s e-Central Records of Beneficial Owners.

In addition to communication via mail, the SBRA’s communicates with its customers also through its Info Center, via telephone and e-mail. Through its Service Desk, the Agency also provides a regular technical support related to its electronic services.

03. April 2020. Change of Working Hours of Info Center 15. April 2020. Support available also for those sole proprietors who have registered temporary termination of their entrepreneurial activity as of March 15, but provided that they have not reduced the number of their employees