As of Monday, 11 May 2020, the Serbian Business Registers Agency recommences the counter service at its Belgrade head office (Brankova 25) and organizational units, from 09.00 to 15.00 hours.

In the Counter Hall and other business premises of the Agency, where citizens come into direct contact with employees, all adopted preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of the contagious COVID-19 disease shall apply, respecting workplace health and safety procedures and providing conditions for uninterrupted performance of tasks within the Agency's competence.

In addition to the SBRA counter service, enabling customers to personally submit applications and collect decisions and other acts of the Agency, the counters of the post office, which is located on the SBRA premises, will be reopen as well.

Also, as of Monday, the Archives of the Agency, where certificates, copies of documents and transcripts of decisions are issued, as well as the Info Desk, where information is provided to customers, recommence operating.

Legal aid will continue to be provided electronically, so as not to create unnecessary crowds on the Agency's premises. Thus, questions may be sent by e-mail to the addresses posted on the SBRA’s internet page, in the section Contacts.

The number of customers in the Counter Hall of the Agency will be limited, so that the movement of customers is organized in compliance with the preventive measures, including the mandatory physical distancing.

In addition to the direct submission of paper registration applications, requests and documentation, they still may be sent by post, either to the Belgrade address of the Agency, or to the address of the nearest organizational unit of the Agency.

All other information and instructions on the procedures and documentation required for registration is available on the internet page Registers.

The Agency’s Info Centre [phone: + 381 (0) 11 20 23 350; e-mail:] is at customers’ disposal for any question they might have, while the Service Desk [phone: + 381 (0) 11 20 20 293; e-mail:] remains available for any technical queries relating to the SBRA’s eServices and operation of the SBRA IT system applications.

06. May 2020. Release of company information of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republika Srpska on the SEE Regional Business Registries Portal 13. May 2020. New deadlines for the submission of financial statements for 2019 and time limits applicable to other registration procedures of the Agency upon lifting of the state of emergency