Currently, there are about 140,000 business entities, which have electronically recorded information on their beneficial owners in the Central Records of Beneficial Owners, representing 85% of all registered business entities obliged by the law to fulfil this obligation.

To provide transparent information on beneficial owners and facilitate business operations of business entities, the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) has enabled the issuance of excerpts and certificates from the Central Records of Beneficial Owners, either in the form of an electronic document or as a paper document.

An excerpt contains data on the ownership structure of the registered entity as at the date of its issuance, while a certificate contains historical data on the beneficial owners of the registered entity, or data on the natural person, whether he/she is/was recorded as the beneficial owner of the registered entity.

“The Agency has enabled the users of this service to choose the method of ordering, payment and issuing documents from the records, depending on the needs of the business entity, the requirements of the competent authority or other business entities (such as banks) with which the aforesaid business entity enters into business relations, requesting the business entity to provide information on its beneficial ownership”, says Milan Lučić, director of SBRA.

Lučić points out that the Agency is committed to the digitalization of its services since it is the most efficient way of conducting administrative procedures, which further facilitates business operations and reduces costs.

The e-application for the issuance of excerpts and certificates shall be submitted through the Serbian Business Registers Agency's portal, i.e. the Centralized User Login System, which can be accessed through the following pages:

The Central Records of Beneficial Owners- Excerpts and Certificates or

Services- eExcerpts and Certificates from the Central Records of Beneficial Owners.

The completed paper application form for the issuance of excerpts and certificates from the Central Records of Beneficial Owners can be submitted in person at one of SBRA’s service counters, or sent by mail.

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