From the establishment of the Financial Leasing Register until the end of 2020, there were 55,870 active registered financial leasing contracts, totalling EUR 1.712 billion in value.

During January this year, 611 financial leasing contracts were registered, while the value of items procured on the basis of 13,573 financial leasing contracts registered in 2020 exceeded EUR 367 million.

Passenger vehicles, followed by trucks and other types of vehicles, accounted for the highest percentage of the items procured through financial leasing.

As always, legal entities accounted for the highest percentage of the lessors in 2020, while sole proprietors made up only one-tenth of them.

Since the establishment of this register, real estate was subject to financing in 51 registered active contracts, totalling EUR 24,624,589.49 in value.

Other annual data from the Register of Financial Leasing is displayed in the infographic "The 2020 Financial Leasing Register Data".

12. February 2021. The Agency will be closed on the occasion of the Statehood Day 19. February 2021. Scope of the 2020 Annual Financial Statements of Entrepreneurs