As of tomorrow, 23 March 2022, the Serbian Business Registers Agency will enable the use of cloud-based electronic signatures in its Special Information System for Compiling and Submitting Financial Statements, which are issued by the Office for IT and eGovernment.

Additionally, in the upcoming period, the Agency will enable the use of cloud-based qualified electronic signature certificates in other applications available on the Agency's website, as well as the use of cloud-based qualified electronic signature certificates that are issued by other certification authorities registered in the Register of Qualified Trust Service Providers.

The cloud-based qualified electronic signature certificates are issued free of charge by the Office for IT and eGovernment. Its Portal for Electronic Identification offers all information and instructions dealing with the activation of the “ConsentID” mobile app, cloud-based qualified electronic signature certificate, and procedures for cloud-based signing of documents (

18. March 2022. SBRA Service Desk Will Provide Technical Support to Users of the "e-Submission of Financial Statements" Service over the Weekend 25. March 2022. SBRA Will Provide Professional and Technical Support for Working in the System for Compiling and Submitting Financial Statements over the Weekend