The Serbian Business Registers Agency has published preliminary data on legal entities and entrepreneurs’ performance, deriving from regular annual financial statements for 2021.

In accordance with the law governing accounting, a total of 310,365 legal entities and entrepreneurs were obliged to submit their 2021 regular annual financial statements to the Agency, out of which 277,701 fulfilled this obligation.

The financial statements were processed and published as complete and computationally accurate for 266,684 legal entities and sole proprietors, on the basis of which the preliminary results on business operations in 2021 were published.

Economic recovery started in 2021 after the recessionary trends of the previous year, which were caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Positive tendencies have been observed in the performance of all groups of legal entities and sole proprietors.

The economy has been recording an increase in employment and profitability, along with the strengthening of financial capacities. The companies operated with a positive net result in the amount of 679,904 million dinars, which increased by 79.3%. At the same time, they increased the volume of total business activities, achieving total revenues of 14,434,273 million dinars, which were 17.6% higher than last year’s ones.

More detailed information in this respect is available on the link “Preliminary Data on the Performance of Legal Entities and Entrepreneurs in 2021”, within the section Registers/Financial Statements/Publications/Annual Reports on the Performance of Legal Entities, Entrepreneurs and Consolidated Groups /Annual Reports for 2021.

This is also to remind that the full application of the new Law on Accounting has begun this year, as well as that the financial reporting concept and the submission deadlines have been changed. Obliged entities are required to submit their regular annual financial statements for the purposes of public disclosure and for statistical purposes no later than March 31 of the following year, while the accompanying documentation (including the audit report) must be filed by June 30. According to the regulations that were in effect earlier, obliged entities had to submit data for statistical purposes separately, by February 28, followed by financial statements for the purposes of public disclosure, which needed to be filed by June 30 of the following year. Consequently, the official data on the 2021 performance of legal entities and entrepreneurs will be published later.

23. June 2022. Submitting Documentation after the Submission of Financial Statements 27. July 2022. The Deadline for the Submission of Documentation Accompanying Consolidated Annual Financial Statements Expires on 1 August