The legally prescribed deadline of three months has expired today, during which the Serbian Business Registers Agency carried out the procedure of pre-registration and adjustment of cultural institutions with the Law on Amendments to the Law on Culture free of charge (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 47/2021).

As of tomorrow, 21 February 2023, cultural institutions shall, along with the registration application for registration of adjustment and the prescribed documentation, be obliged to submit proof of the paid registration fee in the amount of RSD 6,500, in accordance with Article 2 of the Decision on Fees for Registration and Other Services Provided by the Serbian Business Registers Agency (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 131/2022).

Namely, the provision of Article 15 of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Culture stipulates the obligation to adjust, or pre-register existing cultural institutions, which were registered in the competent commercial courts, in the Register of Cultural Institutions, which was established at the Serbian Business Registers Agency as an electronic, central, public database of registered cultural institutions, publicly and privately owned, as well as those cultural institutions of which the founders are the Republic of Serbia, an autonomous province, a local self-government unit or whose programs are entirely or mostly financed from the state budget.

The Agency began keeping the Register on 18 November 2022, when the competence of commercial courts ended, and cultural institutions had a three-month deadline to pre-register free of charge, i.e. to register the adjustment in the Register.

The goal of pre-registration and adjustment is to establish an up-to-date database in accordance with the new Law and to enable the transparency of data on cultural institutions, which will be publicly disclosed and available on the Agency's website.


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