In February 2023, the Serbian Business Registers Agency initiated forced liquidation proceedings for 3,956 companies that did not submit their financial statements for 2019 and 2020 before the end of the 2021 business year, which was the deadline for the submission of these statements in accordance with the Law on Accounting. Previously, the Agency published notices to companies that irrevocable grounds for forced liquidation have been acquired. These notices were publicly available for 30 days, in accordance with the Amendments to the Company Law (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 109/2021).

In accordance with the provisions of Article 547, paragraph 4 of the Company Law, notices were published on the Agency's website regarding the initiation of forced liquidation for a period of 60 days and the registration status of companies was changed, and an addition was made to the business names of these companies – undergoing forced liquidation.

The notices were published on the webpage of the Business Entities Register, where registered data on each individual company is published. The decisions on the initiation of forced liquidation proceedings were sent, in paper form, by mail, to the registered seat addresses of these companies.

After the expiration of the legally prescribed time period of 60 days from the date of publication of the notice on the Agency's website, the Registrar responsible for keeping the Business Entities Register will, within a further period of 30 days, issue individual decisions on deletion, based on which the companies will be struck off from the Register, in accordance with the law on registration.

A search of notices regarding companies that have acquired the grounds for forced liquidation is available via the link

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