On 5 June 2024, representatives of the Serbian Business Registers Agency participated in the panel dedicated to the continuation of digitalization of business procedures using artificial intelligence and security solutions at the regional "Infotech 2024" conference held in Arandjelovac. At the conference, the new SBRA electronic service for the delivery of data to state authorities was also presented.

Saša Zečević, director of the SBRA’s IT and Development Department, spoke at the panel to representatives from the public sector, private companies and the ICT industry about the most important information system improvements implemented over the past year, which were achieved through the digitization of numerous business procedures in the Agency.

Maja Krneta, head of the SBRA’s Data Delivery Department, presented the new web portal and announced that the Agency will start providing new API services for data delivery as of 2025.

In the Conference Proceedings, which will be available on the "Infotech" conference website, the paper "Raising the level of awareness of employees about the security aspects of using computers, the Internet, social media and online communication" will be published, containing the results of the application of the SBRA employee’s online training. This training was carried out as part of the introduction of the ISO 27001 information security standard and familiarizing employees with security risks in the cyber world.

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