Minister of Economy, Adrijana Mesarović, along with her associates, visited the Serbian Business Registers Agency and emphasized that improving business conditions is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Economy, which is achieved through business support programs and the allocation of grants, as well as through improving mutual cooperation and data exchange between the Ministry of Economy and the Serbian Business Registers Agency, with a view to achieving greater efficiency and the continued streamlining of business conditions. On this occasion, she declared that the SBRA is an efficient and technologically advanced institution.
During the working part of the visit, the Acting Director of the Agency, Bojana Stojmenović, and the heads of the Agency's organizational sectors briefed Minister Mesarović on the Agency's current activities and plans, and representatives of the Ministry of Economy were given a presentation of the new portal for delivering data to state authorities, businesses and citizens. This new and modern digital tool that efficiently provides data from the Agency's electronic databases will enable additional analytics, complex reports and a number of new functionalities that will increase the usage value of the data.
Additionally, the SBRA team also presented the data from the six-month report on newly incorporated business entities. From 6 May to 6 November 2024, 4,576 companies and 26,484 entrepreneurs were incorporated, including 10,356 female entrepreneurs and 926 companies in which women were the majority owners. In the observed time period, an increase in the number of newly incorporated business entities whose founders were under 30 years of age was noted (24.6% more than in the same time period last year).