In cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia (CRRM), the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) is hosting a two-day workshop on the "Regional Business Registers Portal", which is attended by representatives of the business registration institutions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Srpska), Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Slovenia.

The workshop was opened by Franklin Steves, Senior Counsellor at the EBRD, who has pointed out that, by this Project, EBRD provides strong support to the regional integration and cross-border cooperation. Assistant Minister of Economy, Dušan Vučković, stressed the importance of interconnection and mutual cooperation among the registry institutions in the region. Marija Boškovska-Jankovski, the General Director of the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia, has expressed her satisfaction at the fact that the joint portal has been established after several months of fruitful cooperation, as well as that it will contribute to the improvement of the business climate of Macedonia and Serbia.

Zvonko Obradovic, the Director of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, has emphasized that the valuable databases of the business registration authorities will provide additional value to the business communities and other users only if they interconnect via the portal in the future and offer new services and data sets comprised of the data contained in the national business registers.

The workshop participants have been presented a demo version of the Regional Portal of Serbia and Macedonia, while combined services and data sets will be available to the business communities as of the beginning of next year. They will comprise comparable business data and information on registered owners, companies and their financial indicators, as well as micro and macro reports and analyzes comprising data and graphs for a 3 year-period. All portal services and data-sets will be available in three languages (English, Macedonian and Serbian). It will be enabled that portal services and data are ordered and paid electronically.

Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, "Development of the Regional Business Registers Portal of Serbia and Macedonia" is a project that will be co-financed and administered by the EBRD. After July 2018, i.e. upon the completion of the project, the portal will be a self-sustaining project.

14. March 2017. The procedure of registration of incorporation with SBRA takes less than 24 hours 11. October 2019. A new Rulebook on the content of the Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights and documents required for registration shall enter into force on 12 October