PC PRESS magazine published a ranking list of the best domestic, .rs domain websites. SBRA’s website was very highly ranked on the Top 50 list of most valuable websites, in the “SOCIETY” category, along with the official websites of the City of Belgrade and AMSS. PC PRESS recommends SBRA’s website, www.apr.gov.rs as a must first stop for all those starting cooperation with some company, because the website provides users with valuable information on the operations of companies registered in Serbia. In addition to information on the company’s founders, registered capital, losses or profit in the previous years. Users are also advised to check whether these companies are burdened with substantial mortgages or other encumbrances. 

24. January 2012. Public presentation of the Map of the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register 02. February 2012. The Agency has published its software for generating financial statements for 2011