Starting 1 February this year, the Company Law (Official Gazette of RS, No 36/2011), and the Law on Amendments to the Company Law (Official Gazette of RS No 36/2011), and the Law on Amendments to the Company Law (Official Gazette of RS No 99/2011) requires all companies and entrepreneurs to comply with the provisions of the new law.This entails the obligation of business entities to harmonize their capital, founding acts and bodies with the provisions of the new law. More detailed information on the subject can be found on the Agency’s website, Company Register/Instructions for compliance of business entities with the new Company Law, Entrepreneurs/Instructions for compliance of entrepreneurs with the new Company Law. 

12. May 2009. First Business Registration Certificate Issued in Faster Startup Procedure 24. January 2012. Map of the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register available on SBRA's as of to day