The Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) successfully organized this year’s, 11th European Commerce Registers’ Forum (ECRF). The conference was attended by 130 participants from 35 countries – delegates from almost all European countries, Malaysia, South Africa, Canada and the U.S...

The representatives of OECD Investment Compact for South-East Europe presented their Report on the Implementation of the European Charter on small and medium enterprises in the Western Balkans, while the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) delegates presented the “Doing Business” methodology in analyzing the impact of business registration regulatory procedures.

One of the key topics of the two day conference was the session on prevention of money laundering, where Mr. Nicholas Troy-Anti-Money Laundering Unit Jersey Financial Services Commission, Mr. Anton Bartolo-Registrar of Companies Malta Financial Services Authority, Mr. Paul Reynolds-Head of Corporate Affairs UK Companies House and Ms. Tatjana Djurasinovic-Head of International and National Cooperation Department Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia, shared their experiences. Part of the Forum was devoted to presenting the individual experiences of national registers, such as the implementation of the online one-stop-shop business registration system in Estonia. At the conference, which took place in the Hyatt Hotel in Belgrade, the Swedish Companies Registration Office presented its survey on achievements in the area of business registration, which included more than 50 European and non-European countries.

The Serbian Business Registers Agency handed over ECRF presidency to Luxembourg.

17. June 2008. SBRA staff donates blood 02. July 2008. New digital answering system at SBRA’s call center