As of today, Serbian Business Registers Agency’s (SBRA) customers can avail themselves of a new service to check the status of their application via SMS, by sending a message to 7272. This service is available to all business users of mobile networks 062, 063, 064 and 065.

The status can be checked of all applications submitted by companies or individuals to the Serbian Business Registers Agency, i.e. the Company Register and the Register of pledges on movable assets and rights (for the registration of pledges). 

The service can be activated by simply sending an SMS text message containing the code CAS (for company application status) or PAS (for pledge application status), followed by the submittal reference number assigned by the Agency. Shortly, users will receive confirmation it the application has been received in SBRA’s head office, if it is being processed, or whether the application has been approved or rejected by decision of the Registrar.

The status check service charge is RSD 5 per SMS message, which only covers the costs of the mobile operator and provider, while the Agency offers its services free of charge.

By introducing this SMS based application status check service, SBRA aims to facilitate user access to information on the status of their application anytime, anyplace, in order to further decrease the time needed to complete business registration.

As a reminder, from April all SBRA service users may check the status of their application on the Agency website home page, in the section “Companies” and “Entrepreneurs” – “Application status”.

04. April 2008. Participation of the SBRA Director Mr. Zvonko Obradović at the Conference in Canada – April 4, 2008. 09. May 2008. SBRA launches electronic registration service for entrepreneurs