Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) has received 108,261 company financial reports. Based on the documents that have arrived and have been processed, 13,395 entrepreneurs, 91,927 small and 2,939 medium and large enterprises have filed their financial statements with SBRA.


Out of the total number of financial reports filed, as many as 60% arrived by mail, while the rest were handed in at SBRA’s Belgrade office and 13 extension offices.


All paper documents received, will be processed and transferred into electronic format by the Agency, while the top five most important data from the 2007 annual returns will be published on our website, (on the Data Search page, in the Business Register section): business income and expenditures, total profit, assets value and company capital.


In addition, in the future, the Agency will also publish data on the total number of employees, as an integral part of the corporate data which will be made available to the public.


Furthermore, in the course of this year another new service will be made available to users – scanned annual reports for the period from 2005 to 2007.

14. February 2008. SBRA signs donation protocol with KOICA 12. March 2008. SBRA's experience in the implementation of the business registration system reform