In the first three months of this year, a total of 25,410 applications for issuance of construction and other construction industry permits were received through the Central Register of Integrated Procedures, which is by 16.8% more than in the same period last year, when 21,760 applications were received.

Out of the total number of submitted applications for issuance of location requirements, construction and occupancy/use permits, as well as other types of applications, 15,033 applications were accepted, which is by 25.7% more than in the same period last year, when 11,963 applications were positively resolved.

In the first three months of this year and within the limits of its competences, the Serbian Business Registers Agency was controlling compliance with the prescribed deadlines in 11,285 cases and requested information from the responsible officials in the competent bodies on the reasons for delays in 707 cases, which occurred in the processing of applications for issuance of location requirements, construction and occupancy/use permits and connection to utility and other infrastructure. The purpose of the control is to monitor the work of the competent authorities and to achieve the highest possible efficiency.

This is the data originating from the Central Register of Integrated Procedures, a single, public, electronic database kept by the SBRA, which contains integrated data on the progress of each individual case in the procedure of applying for permits for the construction, extension and reconstruction of facilities, including decisions and other acts of the authorities generated in the procedure, as well as the documents filed with and obtained in these procedures.

Since the establishment of the Central Register of Integrated Procedures in 2016 and the transition to a fully electronic mode, there has been a noticeable trend of increasing number of applications. In 2017, the inflow of applications increased by 45.5% compared to 2016, in 2018 8.6% more applications were received than in 2017, while in 2019 there was an increase of as much as 15% compared to 2018.

Data from the recently released Financial Statements Annual Bulletin shows that business operations of the construction sector in 2019 was extremely successful. The positive result of RSD 37.42 billion increased by 49.2% compared to 2018, while the total number of employees (77.770) increased by 5.291 employees on an annual basis.

30. April 2020. SBRA Starts Providing Solvency-Related Services Comprising the 2019 Financial Statements Data 30. April 2020. Info Centre and Service Desk of the SBRA will be closed on Friday, 1 May