The Serbian Business Registers Agency informs all interested parties that solvency-related services comprising data from the regular annual financial statements for the year 2019 will be available as of Monday, 4 May 2020.

Despite the state of emergency declared due to the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Agency has processed within the prescribed deadline the regular annual financial statements for the year 2019 submitted by the obligated entities in accordance with the regulations and has published so far about 205,000 financial statements on its internet page.

Solvency-related services (solvency reports for companies, institutions and entrepreneurs) and scoring for companies, which will include data from the financial statements for 2019, have been prepared for legal entities and entrepreneurs whose financial statements for 2019 have been publicly disclosed as complete and computationally accurate.

Company scoring for the period from 2015 to 2019 has been established according to an innovated model, which is defined taking into account modern business trends and financial management models and considering the basic assumptions of financial analysis, and represents the third version of the solvency rating provided by the Agency.

Since the deadline for submission of the regular annual financial statements for 2019 has been postponed pursuant to the Decree passed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Agency will apply the so-called “dual system of the provision of solvency-related services” until the expiry of that deadline. That is, for legal entities and entrepreneurs that have not yet fulfilled their obligation to submit the regular annual financial statement for 2019, the Agency will provide solvency-related services inclusive of data from their financial statement for 2018 until they submit a complete and computationally accurate financial statement for 2019 or until the publication thereof on the internet page, but not later than the expiry of the deadline for the submission of those financial statements.

Before ordering a report or scoring via the link Disclosed Financial Statements Search (in the section “Publicly Disclosed Financial Statements”), customers are advised to check whether a 2019 financial statement of a particular company, institution or entrepreneur has been published. If it has not been published, we suggest them to check whether that financial statement has been submitted to the Agency and the processing status thereof via the link Search of the 2019 Financial Statements Under Processing (in the section “Cases under Processing”). If there are deficiencies in a submitted financial statement, the obligated entity must rectify them, following the processing procedure, so that it can be published and included in the solvency reports and scoring.

Solvency reports comprising data from the 2019 regular annual financial statements will be issued upon request for urgent processing only for those obligated entities whose regular annual financial statement for the particular year has been publicly disclosed.

At the same time, as of 4 May 2020, the scoring established on the basis of data from the financial statements for the period from 2014 to 2018 will cease to apply for companies whose financial statements for 2019 have been publicly disclosed, given that a new solvency rating, i.e. the rating for the period from 2015 to 2019, has been established for these companies.

The records of all issued scorings, as well as the date of expiry thereof, shall be published on the Agency's internet page, in the section “Financial Statements”, on the link Records of Issued Scorings.

We remind customers that solvency-related services are available electronically and may be ordered through the solvency reports ordering application and the scoring ordering application. Also, given that the direct work with customers has been suspended due to the declared COVID-19 pandemic and until further notice, requests can also be sent by post, in paper form, to the Agency's address, Brankova 25, 11000 Belgrade. 

Detailed information relating to the provision of the Financial Statements Register’s services is available on the internet page of the Agency, in the section “Financial Statements”, under the headings SBRA Solvency and Financial statements eData at user’s request.


28. April 2020. Submission of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year 2019 30. April 2020. Increased number of applications for issuance of electronic construction permits