The Map of the Regional Development Measures and Incentives has been published today within the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register (RDMIR), which displays sets of information on state investments, economic development and economic potentials, containing semi-annual data for 2020.

The data presented on the Map show that the implementing authorities of regional development incentives have managed to implement incentives in a significant amount in the first half of 2020 despite the state of emergency declared due to the pandemic disease caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), and that state support has been primarily intended for the economy.

Of the total realized investments in the amount of RSD 76.3 billion, incentives directed to companies and entrepreneurs account for 60%. Besides, the amount of incentives that have been paid to micro, small and medium-sized companies is 58% higher compared to the same period last year, while those paid to large companies is 19.7% higher.

Companies have been paid the most funds through the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (RSD 23.1 billion, or 52% of the total incentives directed to this type of beneficiaries) and the Development Fund of the RS (RSD 7.9 billion, i.e. 17.6% of the total investments directed to companies).

In the first six months of this year, incentive funds in the amount of RSD 9.3 billion have been paid to agricultural farms, which account for 78.8% of the total last year's investments.

The share of non-refundable funds in the total realized incentives in the first six months of the current year amounts to 85% of the total investments, and those funds are 18% higher compared to the same period of the previous year.

The sets of consolidated information from the RDMIR and other registers kept by the Agency, as well as information that the Agency obtains from other state bodies and organizations, are presented in tabular and graphical form, at the level of the republic, regions, districts, and municipalities, for the current and three previous years.

This consolidated information is grouped on the Map into basic data (land area; population; average net income; GDP; the number of employed and unemployed), indicators of the structure of the economy and non-profit sectors (number of entities; newly established; deleted/wound up, etc.) and their financial performance (business results), indicators of indebtedness of the economy and non-profit sectors (financial leasing and pledge), indicators of insolvency of the economy and non-profit sectors and, finally, data on total regional development incentives (by purpose, type of recipients, implementing authority, type of financial incentives and level of territorial allocation of funds from the budget and other sources of funding).

The information presented on the RegRDMI Map, where all municipalities in the Republic of Serbia are displayed also according to the achieved level of development pursuant to the current regulation, is a particularly useful source of information for potential investors in the Republic of Serbia. Prior to investing in a particular territory, they are interested in obtaining and reviewing, both the characteristics of the achieved economic development and the potentials for the development of the selected territory, starting from the size of the territory, population, qualification structure of the unemployed, as well as other elements of the territorial development. It is also useful for regional development entities in the process of making decisions on incentive investments aimed at strengthening the economy of a particular territory and raising the level of competitiveness of the economy in that territory, all with the aim of reducing regional uneven development.

All data published on the Map is available to users free of charge. By performing the appropriate search, they can obtain data in the form of data sets for all four territorial levels.

17. August 2020. The Pledge Register is getting ready to shift to a digital mode of operation 01. September 2020. The deadline for submission of consolidated annual financial statements for 2019 shall expire on 3 September 2020