The deadline for submission of consolidated annual financial statements for 2019 shall expire on 3 September 2020

The Serbian Business Registers Agency hereby informs the entities under the obligation to submit consolidated annual financial statements for 2019 that the deadline for the submission thereof shall expire on Thursday, 3 September 2020. This it to remind that the deadline stipulated by the law governing accounting has been exceptionally extended this year due to the declaration of a state of emergency, pursuant to the Decree on Postponing the Deadlines for Holding the Regular Session of the General Meeting of a Company and Submitting Annual and Consolidated Financial Statements of Companies, Cooperatives, Other Legal Entities and Sole Proprietors... (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 57/2020).

All information and/or instructions regarding the preparation and submission of consolidated annual financial statements for 2019, in the form of rules, technical and user instructions, as well as video instructions, can be found on the Agency's website, within the section of the Register of Financial Statements.

On the last day for the submission of these statements (3 September), a number of the Register of Financial Statements and the Service Desk personnel will be available until 09.00 p.m. to provide the obligors with the professional assistance in preparing and submitting consolidated annual financial statements and technical support.

The professional assistance in the preparation and submission of the statements is available to the customers via email:

The technical support regarding access to the PIS FI system or problems with signing is available to the customers via email:

20. August 2020. Release of the Map of the Regional Development Measures and Incentives Register 04. September 2020. A Brochure “What You Should Know When Founding an Association, Endowment or Foundation” posted on the SBRA website