Do you know the rights and obligations of associations, endowments and foundations registered in Serbia? The brochure “What You Should Know When Founding an Association, Endowment or Foundation” is posted on the page - Registers/ Associations/ Instructions.

The guide is intended for civil society organizations in the process of founding and contains useful information on regulations governing the work and activities of associations, endowments and foundations. In particular, it provides the information dealing with the obligation to submit financial statements (or statements of inactivity) to the Financial Statements Register, as well as the information on the obligation of associations to electronically record their beneficial owners in the Central Records of Beneficial Owners kept by the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

The brochure provides useful information on where public calls for the provision of financial support are published, who provides institutional support for the work of these organizations, where they can seek funding for project financing, how to cooperate with administrative bodies and how to get involved in the decision-making process in the community.

The publication was prepared by the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society, in cooperation with the EU-funded project “Support to Public Administration Reform Visibility and Communication”.

By posting the brochure on its website, the Serbian Business Registers Agency would like to support the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society in the implementation of the said project, as well as to enable its customers to find in one place valuable information relevant to the organization and operation of associations, endowments and foundations.

01. September 2020. The deadline for submission of consolidated annual financial statements for 2019 shall expire on 3 September 2020 11. September 2020. Eighty-five per cent of obliged registered entities have recorded their beneficial owners