In response to numerous claims received from a large number of business entities, the Serbian Business Registers Agency hereby publicly warns its customers again to beware of the letters of “”, which invite them to register in the said register, given that it is not an official register of the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

Recipients of these letters do not have any legal obligation to register on this portal, because it is an offer that has a purely commercial purpose of advertising for the account of the company “Digital Platform d.o.o. Belgrade-New Belgrade”, which was founded on 14 February 2020 and registered for 'Market research and public opinion polling'.

The amount of RSD 4,500 is printed on the payment slips attached to the letters of the said company, along with the notification that the fee for registration in the “” will be increased to the sum of RSD 15,000 if the payment is not made by 12 October 2020.

Considering that business entities are misled about the sender of the letters, assuming that they are sent by the Register of Business Entities kept by SBRA, we warn all our customers that this offer does not come from the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

23. September 2020. In the first half of the year, the number of applications filed for the issuance of construction permits has been approximately equal to the number of applications submitted in the same period of last year 29. September 2020. SBRA has informed the competent authorities about a new attempt to deceive business entities