Undertaking activities aimed at obtaining more information about the work of agencies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, the Minister of Economy in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Anđelka Atanasković, has spoken today with the Director of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, Milan Lučić, about the institution’s plans.

Atanasković emphasized the importance of SBRA from the perspective of businessmen, for whom transparent data contained in the SBRA electronic registers represent an invaluable source of information and significantly facilitates doing business while also introducing greater legal security.

The Minister expressed the readiness of the competent Ministry to provide support in the implementation of the Agency’s future plans, especially in the area of digitalization and introduction of electronic services, which are aimed at minimizing excessive paperwork and further improving the activities of business entities.

Lučić introduced the portfolio and current activities of the Agency, including the work of the SBRA Archives Department situated in Rakovica, which is an additional location where customers will be able to perform administrative tasks with the Agency.

Thus, as Lučić stressed, the citizens' access to the SBRA services will be additionally improved.

Representatives of the Agency informed the Minister of Economy and her associates about the activities undertaken to integrate archival records of significance to the country’s economy, which date from 1947 to the present and constitute an paper documentation archive of around 35 km issued since the commencement of the Agency's operation, as well as the one acquired from other state authorities that used to be competent to keep registers before the founding of the Agency.

In addition to the paper archive, the Archives Department also encompasses an electronic archive, which contains scanned documents. Citizens are granted access to the complete archive in the Archives premises in Brankova Street and in 1b Oslobođenja Street in Rakovica, where customers have a well-equipped and spacious reading room at their disposal.

Minister Atanasković expressed her satisfaction with the manner in which the Serbian Business Registers Agency has managed to solve the issue dealing with the disposal and storage of archival documents, which are a cultural heritage of particular significance, primarily for the entire economy.

09. October 2020. Registration of the Health Facilities with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) Commences on 12 October 09. November 2020. SBRA opened its counters at an additional location in Belgrade – in Rakovica