As of Monday, 12 October 2020, the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) starts administering the Register of Health Facilities, an electronic, centralized, public repository of data on registered health facilities that perform health care activities based on decisions of the health care or pharmaceutical inspectors attesting compliance with the statutory requirements for practising health care activities.

All existing health facilities (approx. 1,400), which were registered with the competent commercial courts, are required to submit to the Agency a completed Application Form for Registration of Compliance, accompanied with the relevant supporting documentation, in accordance with the Law on Health Care and the Rulebook on Detailed Content of the Register of Health Facilities and Documents Required for Registration.

In the next three months, the Agency will carry out the compliance procedure free of charge. Starting from 11 January 2021, the applicants shall be obliged to submit the registration application forms along with proof of payment of the registration fee of RSD 4,900.

Until now, only sole proprietors who were founders of private medical practice have been registered with the Agency, while the commercial courts have been competent for the registration of health facilities. In the future, health facilities will also be entered into the electronic register and records kept by the SBRA. The procedure of their registration shall be completed within a maximum of 5 working days, ensuring the transparency and the public availability of the registered data. Given that the complete archive material on the existing health facilities has been taken over from the competent commercial courts, the Archives of the Agency shall enable inspection of the case files and issuance of copies of documents.

Upon completion of the compliance procedure, SBRA will start keeping the Integrated Records of Health Operators, which will consist of integrated data on health facilities and private medical practice in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Thus, data on all providers of health care services in public and private ownership will be integrated and available in one place, and all interested citizens will be able to access them through the website of the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

Information on the registration and compliance procedures of health facilities, prescribed supporting documentation, registration fees, issuance of excerpts, certificates, copies of entry of the Registrar's decisions and copies of documents, as well as the registration application forms, which can be downloaded free of charge, is available on the webpage Registers/Health Facilities/ Instructions.

The statement of Milan Lučić, Director of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, can be viewed on the Agency's YouTube channel, and is available for downloading from the website

05. October 2020. Sole proprietors conducting a private medical practice should report to the Business Entities Register their weekly work schedule, start and end of the working hours 06. November 2020. Minister Atanasković and Director Lučić on SBRA’s plans