During the previous weekend, the Serbian Business Registers Agency has begun the integration of the Business Entities Register with the Address Register, which is maintained by the Republic Geodetic Authority (RGA).

In the course of this process, changes  of the information on the address of the registered office of business entities may occur. However, this should not upset businessmen, given that all incorrect information will be rectified as soon as possible i.e. until the end of this process.

The integration of these two registers is of vital importance to the proper functioning of registers maintained by the SBRA. Hence, the Agency will also, in due course, harmonize the information on addresses and house numbers in the rest of its registers, depending on the speed with which the RGA finishes work on establishing a fully up-to-date Address Register.

In addition to the Central Population Register, the Business Entities Register and the Real Estate Register, the Address Register is one of the key state registers which enable the establishment of an e-Government.

30. November 2020. Recording of beneficial owners is a permanent obligation of registered entities 18. December 2020. The Serbian Business Registers Agency keeps an archive of great economic, historical, scientific and cultural significance for Serbia