As of 1 January 2021, the Serbian Business Registers Agency’s Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights will start registering two additional types of contracts – a pledge contract with the transfer of the pledged asset into the possession of the creditor and a contract of sale of movable assets with retention of ownership for the purpose of securing the seller’s claim until the full price has been paid.
These are the novelties prescribed by the latest amendments to the Law on Pledge of Movable Assets and Rights Registered in the Pledge Register, which established a unique legal framework for all security instruments. The e-submission of registration applications will be enabled on 1 July 2022.
The Rulebook on the Content of the Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights and Documents Required for Registration (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 71 of 4 October 2019 and 156 of 25 December 2020) has been published on the Agency’s website. It governs the content of the Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights, as well as the documents required for registration or strike-off of data from the Register.