This is to inform all interested parties that a new Special Information System of the Agency for the Reception, Processing and Public Releasing of Financial Statements and/or Documents (“the PIS FI of the Agency”) has been deployed into the live environment today, on 31 January 2022.

By developing the said system, the Agency has adopted a new method of financial reporting, which is, according to the new Law on Accounting (“the Law”), applicable to financial statements compiled as at 31 December 2021 or at any later date. It has also upheld certain requests of users for the improvement of some functionalities of the previous system to facilitate obliged entities, as well as accountants, in the procedure of the submission of financial statements and/or documents.

21. January 2022. A 19% Increase in the Number of Applications Received through the SBRA eConstruction Permits System in 2021 03. February 2022. All Information and Instructions for Compiling and Submitting Financial Statements According to New Regulations are Available on the Agency's Website