The receipt of regular annual financial statements for 2022 was successfully completed at midnight, 31 March 2023. A total of 277,433 statements were submitted electronically within the legally prescribed deadline, 247,326 of which were regular annual financial statements and 30,107 were statements of inactivity. The rate at which the statements were submitted by day can be seen in the following graph.

The Agency notes that all obliged entities that have not submitted their financial statement or statement of inactivity for 2022 within the prescribed deadline can submit it in the upcoming period. However, they will need to pay the fee for the untimely submission of the above-said statement.

Information on the receipt and processing of all types of statements for 2022 is available to obliged entities on the following webpage: Registers/Financial Statements/Search of Published Financial Statements.

30. March 2023. The Deadline for the Submission of Regular Annual Financial Statements for 2022 Shall Expire on 31 March 2023 03. April 2023. As of 17 May 2023, Incorporation of Companies Exclusively in Electronic Form