In order to improve the conditions for starting a business, as of 17 May 2023, the registration application for the incorporation of a company shall be submitted to the Serbian Business Registers Agency exclusively in electronic form.

In accordance with the amendments to the Law on the Procedure of Registration with the Serbian Business Registers Agency from 2021, the Agency is obliged to accept applications for the incorporation of a company exclusively in electronic form, which is in accordance with the concept of eAdministration and digitilization of business operations of the entire economy.

This means that, as of 17 May 2023, it will no longer be possible to submit an application for the incorporation of a company to the SBRA in paper form.

“With the introduction of this new electronic service, the Agency is taking another, decisive step towards digitilization and the continuation of the registration system reform which strives to simplify the procedures required for starting a business, along with the appropriate application of adopted measures against corruption and the introduction of electronic registration, as the fastest way of implementing administrative procedures related to the business operations of business entities”, said Milan Lučić, director of the Serbian Business Registers Agency.

Applications for registering the change of data shall be submitted to the Business Entities Register, as before, only in paper form. However, the SBRA director announced that these applications will also be available in electronic form in the foreseeable future, once all technical prerequisites are met.

This way, conditions are created for reducing costs and time needed to incorporate a company, the quality of services for citizens is improved and expanded, and the time for processing the applications by the Agency is reduced, contributing to the overall efficiency.

01. April 2023. Receipt of Regular Annual Financial Statements for 2022 Has Been Successfully Completed 04. April 2023. Notice for SBRA Customers