The eServices “eRegistration of the incorporation of a company”, “eRegistration of the incorporation of a sole proprietor” and “eRegistration of the incorporation of bidders” will not be available to users from today, 12 May at 1:30 p.m. due to the establishment of new services on the portal of the Serbian Business Registers Agency. The Agency will inform its users in a timely manner when the services become available again.

The Agency will launch a new electronic service on its portal for the registration of the incorporation of companies, enabling the submission of registration applications through special web applications.

As of 17 May 2023, the submission of applications for the incorporation of companies in electronic form will be the exclusive way of submitting applications for the following types of companies:

  • limited liability company (LLC),
  • general partnership (GP),
  • joint stock company (JSC), and
  • limited partnership (LP).

For the aforesaid companies, eRegistration of incorporation will become a mandatory way of submitting an application, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 2 of the Law on the Procedure of Registration with the Serbian Business Registers Agency ("Official Gazette of the RS, no. 99/2011, 83/2014, 31/2019 and 105/2021). In accordance with the aforesaid Law, the SBRA will accept registration applications for the incorporation of these companies exclusively in electronic form and will reject applications submitted in paper form, starting from 17 May.

Please note that this mandatory eRegistration does not apply to the incorporation of sole proprietors, cooperatives, cooperative unions, public enterprises, representative offices or branches of a foreign company, so applicants for the incorporation of these legal forms will have the option of choosing between two ways of submitting the application - in paper or electronic form.

The application guide is available for download via the following link - "Mandatory Electronic Application for the Registration of the Incorporation of Companies" (in Serbian).

This novelty does not apply to already registered business entities, but only to those companies that are going to be incorporated from 17 May 2023 onwards. 


28. April 2023. The Deadline for the Submission of Consolidated Annual Financial Statements Shall Expire on 3 May 2023 17. May 2023. New SBRA eService - Registration of Incorporation of Business Entities Has Been Launched