Operating during the crisis period, financial institutions showed stability and a positive result was recorded at the level of most groups of active institutions.

Banks, as the main carriers of the financial system, achieved a positive result in the observed period in the amount of 87,766 million dinars, which increased by 77.9% on an annual basis. With the continuation of consolidation of the banking sector, 21 banks were operating in 2022, 2 less than in the previous year, which consequently led to a decrease in the number of employees by 192 employees compared to the previous year.

In the insurance sector, a total profit of 8,212 million dinars was realized, which was reduced by 26.1%, while the decrease in the positive result of the observed period was also recorded in the financial leasing market, where 12 financial leasing companies generated a profit of 1,044 million dinars, which is by 14.4% lower compared to 2021, while the number of employees was only slightly reduced.

Operating on a shallow and still small capital market, broker-dealer companies achieved a positive net result, which decreased by 52.9% compared to the previous year.

Voluntary pension fund management companies achieved a total profit of 203 million dinars, which was reduced by 12.3%, while the number of employees remained almost at the level of the previous year.

Investment fund management companies moved into the sphere of negative results, realizing a loss in the amount of eight million dinars, while the number of companies which were operating in this sector increased by one company compared to 2021. Voluntary pension funds (7) and open-ended investment funds subject to public offering (24), whose assets were managed by the aforementioned companies, also recorded negative results.

Other data on the business operations of financial institutions in 2022 is shown in the published infographic.

20. July 2023. SBRA Publishes the "Annual Report on the Performance of the Economy in 2022" 27. July 2023. Expiry of the Deadline for Filing Documentation Accompanying the Consolidated Annual Financial Statements