The Serbian Business Registers Agency has published the “Annual Report on the Performance of the Economy in 2022”, which contains an analysis of the success rate and financial position for 108,856 companies, as well as for 1,508 institutions and 113,643 entrepreneurs.

The publication is based on the preliminary processing of data comprised in the 2022 regular annual financial statements and statistical reports, which were entered into the database for statistical purposes, and the basic trends were reviewed according to the final aggregated data from the 2021 regular annual financial statements and statistical reports.

In addition to the analysis of economic trends at the overall level, a special overview has been given from the aspect of the concentration of financial performance according to sectors and the size of companies, as well as an analysis of the business operations of certain segments of companies - public companies and companies in bankruptcy and liquidation.

The increase in the economy’s profitability during 2022 was accompanied by a boost in financial capacities and the number of employees, but also by a slightly higher level of indebtedness and accumulated loss. You can read a brief overview here.

“The Annual Report on the Performance of the Economy in 2022” is published within the section Financial Statements - Publications / Annual Reports on the Performance of Legal Entities, Entrepreneurs and Consolidated Groups.

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