The Serbian Business Registers Agency has published the Report on the TOP 100... Companies in 2022, which lists the first one hundred companies according to operating income, net profit, total assets and equity, net loss and total loss.

Although the economy was strongly influenced by political and economic tensions, accompanied by the energy supply crisis and accelerated inflation, the growth trend of the domestic economy continued with an increase in profitability and a significant contribution to this was made by the 100 companies with the highest operating income and the 100 companies with the highest net profit.

In 2022, 100 companies with the highest operating incomes accounted for 29.9% of the operating income of the entire economy and an average of 28.5% of its key financial performances, employing 15.0% of the total number of employees in the economy. This list is dominated by large systems (98), which generated 98.6% of the operating income of all the companies included in the list. The majority of these companies are solvent (62), 35 of which have very good solvency. Out of the 100 companies included in the list, 88 were among the top 100 in 2021 as well, in terms of operating income.

The top 100 companies with the highest net profit in the observed time period achieved 42.9% of the economy’s net profit and 21.2% of its key financial performances, employing 8.4% of the total number of employees. In terms of size, large companies (85) are in the lead, with a net profit of RSD 491,681 million, increased by 78.0% on an annual basis. In addition, one small and five micro companies recorded intensive growth in their net profit, while nine medium-sized companies reported a 16.8% lower net profit. Out of the 100 most profitable companies, 59 are solvent, 46 of which have very good solvency. Slightly less than two-thirds of the companies (64) were included on that list in the previous year as well.

Out of 108,856 companies, whose data from the regular annual financial statements for 2022 were analyzed in terms of business performance, financial capacity and losses, a total of 377 companies were ranked on the SBRA’s lists of the top 100 companies which had the greatest impact on the key financial performances of the economy in the past year.

You can read a brief overview of the TOP 100... Companies here.

The table containing an overview of the top companies from the lists:

The Report and presentation of the TOP 100 Companies in 2022, which are available only in the Serbian language, are posted on the Agency's website within the section Financial Statements/Publications/TOP 100 Companies.

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